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School of Technology and Design


Hong Li, Interim Dean


The School of Technology and Design helps to builds bridges from computer-based tools for design and modeling to real-world materials and production processes. The school is home to a unique combination of programs including graphic communications and digital media, architecture and computer-aided design, live entertainment and interactive event technology, computing software, networking, security and data management, electronic systems, optical and wireless telecommunications, robotics and automation, and construction and building systems. Faculty members represent a broad range of technology expertise, from basic hardware and software to systems integration for design and production. Graduates from the School of Technology and Design are prepared for positions in industry, and many obtain further degrees and professional licenses. Students benefit from close relationships among topics, tools and curriculum modules coordinated across departments. In addition to opportunities for professional internships and faculty-advised research projects, students may take coursework in secondary areas of study to complement their major with interdisciplinary experiences.