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Student Complaint Procedures

Student Complaints

The college recognizes its responsibility to provide students with a procedure for addressing complaints about administrators and staff. Examples of these complaints might include incompetent or inefficient service, neglect of duty, or conduct unbecoming of the staff. Please note that there are college and university policies and procedures that concern ADA complaints, discrimination complaints, sexual harassment, and faculty conduct complaints.

There are several grievance procedures at the college. The student complaints page on our website assists in identifying which process best fits.

  • Emergencies, Suspicious Activity, or Reporting a Crime

  • Academic Grade Appeal

  • Academic Integrity Violations

  • Americans with Disabilities Act

  • Title IX Complaints

  • Harassment or Discrimination Complaints

  • Non-Academic Complaints/Grievances About Enrollment and Student Affairs Offices (Registrar, Counseling, Financial Aid, etc.)

  • Faculty Conduct in Academic Settings/Academic Concerns Other Than Grades

  • Academic Department Offices or Resource Area

If a grievance or complaint does not fall into one of the aforementioned categories, please refer to the following offices for further guidance.

For concerns of an academic nature, please contact:
The Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Namm Hall 320 (N-320)

For concerns of a non-academic nature, please contact:
The Office of Enrollment and Student Affairs
Namm Hall 300 and Namm Hall 325 (N-300 and N-325)
718-260-4999 or 718-260-5430