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Registration, Grades, and Records


Office of the Registrar

Students should refer to the academic calendar for all registration dates.

All students are encouraged to monitor progress toward graduation by viewing their DegreeWorks Audit at DegreeWorks Audit is an easily accessible and user-friendly advisement tool. It compares your academic achievement to your major requirements found in the college catalog. It supplements but does not replace in-person advice from a faculty academic advisor from your major department. DegreeWorks is available on the web 24/7. More details on DegreeWorks can be found at

Impounds Must Be Cleared

Impounds represent debts owed to the college by students. All impounds (financial, library, etc.) must be cleared before registration. Students who have impounds will not be permitted to register, receive final grades or transcripts, etc.

Program Changes

Students may add or drop courses without academic penalty until the end of the program change period, noted on the academic calendar. To add or drop a course, students should first consult with their advisor, either through the STAR Center for new students or a faculty advisor for continuing students. Find faculty advisors for every degree program here. Students must log on to CUNYfirst in order to complete the add or drop procedure. Be aware that if add/drop actions alter the number of credits, it may change financial aid eligibility and the amount due. If there is a change in bill amount, make the adjustments at the bursar’s office. Program change fees are applied to changes conducted in person or online.

Dropping Courses after the Program Change Period

If a course is dropped before the end of the change period, it is not noted on the academic record. Withdrawals from a course after the program change period result in a grade of “W” (withdrawal). Dropping a course may affect financial aid. Financial aid recipients should consult a financial aid counselor before dropping a course. Refer to the academic calendar and the sections on grades and financial aid for more details.

Academic Credit Limit

The college has an academic policy limiting the credit load of students for the fall and spring semesters. The policy for students who are not on academic probation is:

  1. The maximum course load for students who have not demonstrated proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics is 15 credits/equated credits. No exceptions to this maximum are permitted.

  2. The maximum course load for students who have demonstrated proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics is 18 credits/equated credits. Exceptions to this policy require a written approval from the dean and chairperson of the program in which the student is enrolled. SEEK students require similar approval from the director of SEEK. Students will not be considered for “excess credits” (for more than those spelled out above) unless they:

    1. are enrolled in a program which requires more than 18 credits a term; or

    2. have completed 15 credits and have a cumulative index of at least 3.0.

Students who are on academic probation should refer to the policy on Academic Probation and Dismissal.

Courses on Permit

Students are permitted to take courses at other accredited institutions while in attendance at NYCCT if they meet these requirements:

  1. Not be on academic probation;

  2. During the fall or spring semester, if attending another institution, must register for at least one course at City Tech.
    During the summer session, students may take courses on permit at another accredited institution without registering for courses at City Tech at the same time.

All permit courses must be approved in the student’s major department.

Taking Courses at CUNY Colleges

City Tech students who wish to take a course at a CUNY college other than their home College will need to file for an ePermit using CUNYfirst.

To be eligible to file for a Permit, students:

  1. Must not be on Academic Probation.

  2. Must be matriculated and currently in attendance.

  3. Must not be a newly admitted student freshmen/transfer.

  4. Must not have any holds on academic record.

  5. Must have all immunizations completed.

Newly admitted ROTC and CUNY BA students are eligible with advisor approval.

City Tech does not approve incoming e-permits requests for all 1000/2000 level BIO/CHEM/PHYS courses, or courses that fulfill our Interdisciplinary college option requirement. Upper-level e-permit requests for 3000 BIO/CHEM/PHYS courses are subject to departmental approval and seat availability.

Taking Courses at Accredited Institutions outside of CUNY

The Non-CUNY Permit Form requires approval/signature of a financial aid counselor or staff member. A Consortium Agreement must be completed in order to receive financial aid for classes taken at non-CUNY institutions.

Student Rights & Responsibilities on Permits

Permit course: Each permit request is for a single course and its equivalent. Thus, a student needs to complete a permit required for each equivalent course

Course grade: Courses will be transferred to the HOME College and recorded with the grade assigned by the HOST College which will be included in the combined GPA. The number of credits transferred for each course will be the value assigned by the HOST College and not the HOME College. (e.g., MAT 1375 is 4 credits at HOME College, an equivalent course taken on permit is 3 credits at the HOST College; upon transfer the student is awarded 3 credits on their HOME College transcript with the HOST College's name duly noted.

Course cancellation: If a student enrolls in a course at the selected HOST College and decides not to attend the course, it is the student's responsibility to cancel the course registration at both the HOME and HOST campuses as well as the ePermit request. The student must notify his/her HOME College of the cancellation before classes begin to avoid a tuition liability and to prevent any academic consequences. ePermit course cancellation adheres to the CUNY refund policy dates and deadlines published in the academic calendar. Notifying the Home College can be done by sending an email to

Financial Aid: It is the student's responsibility to make certain that his/her total credits meet financial aid eligibility and credit load requirements. Students should meet with an academic advisor at their HOME College with any course related questions. Questions concerning financial aid can be addressed by a financial aid counselor at the HOME College.

Tuition: Tuition is charged and paid at a student's HOME College. Students eligible for financial aid are to apply through their HOME College and are responsible for meeting any credit load requirements. Tuition is calculated based on the HOST College credits. Courses for which material fees are applied are paid by the student to the HOST College.