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Tuition and Fees

The college reserves the right to change tuition, fees, and charges after publication of the catalog, bulletin, and any registration material issued by the college, to reflect changes made by the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York. These changes may be made without prior notice and at any time.

In the event of an increase in the fees or tuition charges, payments already made to the college will be treated as partial payment and notification will be sent to the student of the additional amount due and the time and method of payment. In the event of an over payment, the appropriate amount will be refunded.

All tuition and related fees are due at the point of registration. This includes any and all financial aid awards to be used as tuition funding.

Confidentiality of Student Financial Records

Consistent with recent Federal Trade Commission guidelines, the college carefully preserves the confidentiality of all student financial information. Appropriate safeguards are in place to protect the security of information held in digital form. Where breaches in security beyond the control of the college may occur, the college acknowledges its responsibility to promptly notify those whose confidentiality may have been compromised.

A. Tuition

Resident Students
Full-time Matriculated.................................... $3,465/semester
Part-time Matriculated................................... $305/credit
Senior Citizen Fee.............................................$65/semester or session

All Non-Resident Students
Full time or Part-time Matriculated...........$620/credit
All Non-degree...................................................$915/credit (no limit)

Tuition Rates for Undocumented and Out-of-Status Aliens
All CUNY colleges charge the non-resident tuition rate for students who are undocumented or out-of-status. This complies with Federal law, specifically the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, which requires public colleges and universities to charge undocumented or out-of-status people the same rate of tuition as that charged out-of-state U.S. citizens and residents.

B. New York State Residency for Tuition Purposes

Students may qualify for the resident tuition rate if they have continuously maintained their residence in the state of New York for a period of twelve consecutive months before the first day of classes. Students who are undocumented or out-of-status aliens and those who are not residents of New York State may be eligible for the lower tuition rate, if they meet certain conditions.

To make it possible for veterans who were not New York State residents prior to their military service to attend CUNY and live in New York for the required period to establish New York State residency, a  CUNY policy has been enacted. Under this policy, veterans will be charged in-state tuition for the first eighteen months of their attendance at CUNY. This should give veterans more than enough time to establish residency under CUNY’s guidelines, which require proof of residency in New York for one year and an intent to reside in New York State permanently. If the veteran does not establish residency after 18 months, he/she will no longer be entitled to pay the resident tuition rate.

****IMPORTANT NOTE: A residency form with all the required documentation must be submitted to the Office of Residency Services  on or before the last day of the semester in question. The college will not review any residency determination unless the request for the review is made in writing, and all the required documentation is submitted (including a completed CUNY Residency Form). Students requesting residency status for tuition purposes are expected to be aware of the requirements necessary to qualify for the in-state residency. The college will not make residency determinations retroactively and will not issue refunds to students even in cases where they would have qualified for the resident rate if they had submitted timely documentation.

For more information about NYS residency, please click here.

Outstanding Balances

Outstanding semester balances may be paid in cash, check or money order. The use of a personal check for a previous semester balance will delay the clearance of the student’s record for ten (10) business days.

A student who fails to pay tuition or other obligations will be denied access to his/her records and will be prevented from registering in the future. The account will be turned over to the college’s collection agency for appropriate action.

The student will be responsible for all collection costs, including agency fees, attorney fees and court costs, in addition to whatever amount you owe the college. Please note that non-payment or a default judgment against your account may be reported to credit bureaus and reflected in your credit report.

The college reserves the right to change tuition, fees, and charges after publication of the catalog, bulletin, and any registration material issued by the college, to reflect changes made by the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York. These changes may be made without prior notice and at any time.

In the event of an increase in the fees or tuition charges, payments already made to the college will be treated as partial payment and notification will be sent to the student of the additional amount due and the time and method of payment. In the event of an overpayment, the appropriate amount will be refunded.

All tuition and related fees are due at the time of registration. This includes any and all financial aid awards to be used as tuition funding.